Condominium and Homeowner Associations
Joseph S. Lania, C.P.A., P.A. is one of the few firms that work regularly with condominium and homeowner associations to manage accounting and taxation. Compliance is critical to the viability of condominium associations, and the financial reporting procedures are rigorous.
Joseph S. Lania, C.P.A. knows the State of Florida Statutes 718 and 719 and the many intricacies of working within these guidelines. In addition, we recognize when a condominium association is liable for reports in excess of the statutes - a situation of which the condominium associations themselves are frequently unaware.
This is where the value of a CPA firm with experience in this area comes into play. We have the expertise to point out these discrepancies and make sure that the condominium association is in compliance on all levels.
We also assist condominium and homeowner associations with taxation issues and tax planning, accounting services from monthly bookkeeping and payroll assistance to setting up a computerized accounting system, as well as annual budget preparation and calculations of reserves and deferred maintenance as required by Florida Statutes.
Joseph S. Lania CPA has extensive experience in working with homeowner associations. We have the expertise to address all financial issues that face condominium and homeowner associations, particularly in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties. Some of the specific areas of expertise include:
• Condominium and Homeowner Association Audit, Review & Complied Financial Statements
• Condominium and Homeowner Association Budgets & Replacement Reserve Assistance
• Tax Advisory and Preparation Services for Condominium and Homeowner Associations
• Computerized Accounting System Implementation and Vital Support