Joseph S. Lania, CPA
Successful Businesses Count on CPAs

When you think that you’ve lost your Home Base

Most of us remember family times and, as kids, having a home base.  Home Base was a place that was safe, secure and somewhere to rest and refigure your next moves.  No one could touch us there.  Our games played were “tag”, ringaleevio, and for those from the Bronx, “Hot Peas & Butter” (intense game played with a hidden leather strap). Home base offered us refuge. 

As adults, as parents, as small business owners and managers, we still need our home base.  A place where we can gather our thoughts, refresh ourselves and plan on our next moves.  It is important for all of us to have this quiet time, this time of reflection, time with those we love and respect and time where we can be at peace. Lack of a home base temporarily can be tolerated, but not for long and not without a price. 

Young parents with small highly dependent children, caregivers of the sick, business owners or managers of fast growing (or intensely depressed) businesses, parents of adolescent children with addictions or spouses with addictions, and some homeowners with unruly neighbors often lose their grasp of home base and are desperate for help from others in order to maintain sanity and a healthy lifestyle.  

How many new Mothers complain, “I can’t even have five minutes to myself in the bathroom” or “My husband doesn’t understand what I go through all day long, and I would appreciate his help when he comes home or, at least, some adult conversation”? 

We all need our Home Base.  Our place to come to, getting away from the stress and activity of the day, a safe place to rest, relax, refigure our next moves.  A place where we are secure and where we can recreate.  Because, if you do have a quiet and secure Home Base, you can refresh yourself and go out and slay those dragons all day tomorrow. 

What happens to YOU when you lose YOUR Home Base? 

I would like to hear your comments.

Joseph Lania is a CPA in South Florida serving small business clients in Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Davie and surrounding areas in Broward County.  The firm specializes in helping business owners understand and manage their growing businesses.  Whether you or your business is located within Broward or anywhere in South Florida, these are the tax, business or compliance professionals to seek for accurate advice, prompt service and professionals who care. 

Received a notice from IRS?  Call us at 954-432-2299 and ask for Joe.  He will cut through all the confusion and give you a straight answer that will solve your problems.  We specialize in listening and then finding the RIGHT solution to your tax, accounting and business needs.  You will sleep better each night knowing we've done it right.
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